Sunday, July 27, 2014

What To Consider When Picking A Paint Color For Your Kid's Room

  When stuck with the daunting task of picking a paint color for your children's room, you should consider several factors. Certain colors promote certain moods and behaviors, so it is only natural to pick out bright shades, but you have to be careful to not to pick something that will result in constant energy. We can help you pick what paint will work best in whatever room, but we like to provide articles like the following to give you ideas.

Interior designer and stylist Allison Tick says she's a big fan of green for a child's room, specifically Benjamin Moore's 'Rosemary Green # 2029-30.' "I've used it more than once and it's always a hit," says Tick. Another favorite trick of hers is using chalkboard paint and magnetic chalkboard paint in rooms designed for children.
Read More At ParentDish 

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