Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Best Color Combinations Of This Year

 If you're looking to do a home makeover this Spring, you may be overwhelmed with all the design options available. While the change in weather may make you antsy for a change, it can only benefit you to consider the year's hottest color trends. The following list presents the most popular and gorgeous color combinations of 2018...


Easy Ways to Increase Curb Appeal

 You've put all the work into updating the exterior of your home with the perfect color scheme - now what? There are a ton of small ways to update your exterior after the paint has dried, and it won't cost you a fortune. The following advice piece offers inexpensive and easy solutions to increase your curb appeal.

                                                           Country Living

Office Color Ideas That Promote Productivity

 Is your home office in desperate need of a face lift? Are you the most productive you can be when working in it? Believe it or not, the interior design can impact your ability to concentrate. The following design ideas promote productivity, and will make a huge difference in your comfort level.

The Best Gray Shades

 Do you love the color gray? It can be a gorgeous alternative to neutral tones when it comes to renovating your home - especially with the most recent additions to gray paint color. Take a page from the experts with the following gray inspiration gallery.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Home Theater Upgrades

 Do you have a home theater room, and does it make you feel comfortable? An entertainment room should be the most relaxing space possible, and certain shades can help create that feeling. The following gallery will provide the most gorgeous inspiration.


The Best Kitchen Colors

 What are the best colors to use when updating your kitchen? The top interior designers have gathered to determine just that, which will come in handy when you're looking for a change. This should be your favorite room, so get inspired to make it just that with the following design gallery.


Teen Room Makeover Ideas

 Do you have a teen in your life who needs a room update? With all of the gorgeous colors available now, there is no shortage of options for even the pickiest teenager. Take the time to go through some of the best shades (as picked by professionals) with your teen today, and pick a wonderful new look today.
