Monday, May 22, 2017

Interior Design With Neon Paint Ideas

 Neon was an acquired taste up until now, but designers are finding amazing ways to incorporate it into interior updates. The end result is a sleek eye-catching interior that will go with any decor. Take a page from the following makeovers, and use neon shades in your next renovation.

Designers Show Their Favorite Room Makeovers

 One-room makeovers are the best way to start a total home renovation, and it can help to see what the experts love the most. The following design gallery is a selection of top designers' favorite work with one room...


Crisp Palettes That Make Decor Pop

 If you have beautiful decor that took you a long time to curate, you need paint on the walls that will make those items pop. Crisp, clean colors act as a canvas for gorgeous design items, as shown in the following design gallery...


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Citrus Can Be a Great Design Scheme

 When you hear the word citrus, interior design may not be the first thing that comes to mind. Citrus color schemes can be subtle and vibrant at the same time, in some very surprising ways. Yellow and orange neutrals exist, and they can make a major difference in your overall design. Take some cues from the following gallery for surprising citrus-inspired makeovers...


How To Make a Color Palette Work Throughout The House

 When trying to get inspiration for a home makeover, many of us turn to design magazines or channels. With all of the options out there, it can seem daunting to pick a color palette for your house, and even more challenging to continue the scheme throughout the house. The following advice piece breaks down the easiest way to make a color palette work in every room of the house...

Unexpected Pink Hues That Will Go With Anything

 Pink is here to stay, at least in the interior design world. With the addition of some gorgeous pink tones this season, the color is being used in some very inventive ways. Get inspired by some of the following pink shades, and take a chance with this unexpected hue...

Beautiful Ways to Incorporate Green In Your Kitchen

 Green is great for interior design, because it complements other colors well and has a calming influence. There are so many beautiful shades of green, and all of them can look great in any room of your house. The following design gallery explores all the beautiful ways green can makeover your kitchen...

One Room Challenge

 If Spring has you anxious for a change, but you aren't sure where to start, try one room first. Designers showcase their best one-room makeover challenges in the following gallery, and the results will inspire a challenge of your own. Take a look at the many ways one room can be transformed, and get ready to make some major changes in your home...
